Thursday, June 11, 2009

I went to the Renegade Craft Fair on Sunday with Jess/LittleBunny and Ana. I had a great time. I made a few purchases. I did not, however, take any pictures.

My favorite purchase (aside from a huge slice of organic watermelon!) was this tote from Survive Design. They have a wonderful message and their motto is"Style is Natural"! Hello!

I've been using the tote non-stop and the bright colors have livened up this dreary, rain-filled week. Turquoise is my new obsession for summer. It's a welcome break after Spring's navy blue bonanza. (I was just a tad obsessed)

I've also been visiting the Green Market at Cadmen Plaza every Tuesday on my lunch hour. Last week I saw the first strawberries of the season and nearly lost it. I was waiting and waiting to see some berry action! Now I can't get enough. I actually bought two pints this week. Shocking, I know.

The peas I lovingly shelled and put into a dinner of pasta with arugula pesto and fingerling potatoes. The pods are being saved for this. Can't wait!!!!

1 comment:

Jess said...

i was so happy about the strawberries too! i'm going back tomorrow for more! it's the best time of year.