Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On Sunday I headed to Philly to participate in the 2008 LiveStrong Challenge.

I was a little intimidated by all the people, but it was inspiring at the same time.

Yes, Lance Armstrong was actually there.

Not the most flattering picture of myself, but I do seem to be glowing with a certain sense of accomplishment, no? In the photo with me are my cousins: Justin, on the left, cancer survivor and his brother, Jon, on the right. I must say, we do look rather pleased with ourselves. It was an incredible day.


Veronique said...

I'm impressed! Congrats!

Jess said...

i'm so proud of you!
and yes, have brunch with carmen and I on sunday- and I'll take you to meet Mr Sergio. You'll love him, he is a charmer..kind of..xo