Sunday, March 26, 2006

i really do knit

2 sleeves
Originally uploaded by Needleworks, Inc..
Here are the sleeves of my mohair hoodie. I've hesitated to post pictures of my mohair hoodie because taking pictures of mohair is ridiculous.

I've taken a page from Wendy at Knit and Tonic and am knitting both sleeves at the same time on one needle. It's awsome. I love it. I will never knit sleeves one at a time ever again. Ever.

After the sleeves are complete all I have to do is seam up the sweater, cast on stitches for the hood and I am d.o.n.e. I figue I may have a sweater by tomorrow if I can get some major knitting accomplished during The Sopranos and Big Love.

Now if I could learn to knit two socks at the same time on one needle my life would be complete.

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